Intelligent Anubis

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{{Demon+ | Picture = Anubis.png | Name = Intelligent Anubis | Level = 30 | Race = Godly Beast | Species = Beasts | Alignment = Neutral | Appearance = Summon PG | ForceS = 5 | HP = 460 | M HP = 508 | MP = 175 | M MP = 212 | Str = 37 | M Str = 47 | Close = 46 | M Close = 57 | Mag = 50 | M Mag = 66 | Long = 48 | M Long = 60 | Vit = 39 | M Vit = 49 | Spell = 57 | M Spell = 87 | Int = 33 | M Int = 46 | Supp = 45 | M Supp = 59 | Spd = 41 | M Spd = 54 | PDef = 17 | M PDef = 24 | Luck = 23 | M Luck = 33 | MDef = 20 | M PDef = 28 | Crt = 25 | Dec = 25 | M Dec = 40 | Inheritance = Expel | Growth = Big Laguz | Variations = Dedication, [[Anubis|Normal] | DCM = | Drops = | Physical Resistance = 100% | Magical Resistance = 100% | Slash = 50% | M Slash = 25% | SlashNAR = | Charge = 50% | M Charge = 25% | ChargeNAR = | Blunt = 50% | M Blunt = 25% | BluntNAR = | Long Range = 50% | M Long Range = 25% | Long RangeNAR = | Penetrate = 50% | M Penetrate = 25% | PenetrateNAR = | Spread = 50% | M Spread = 25% | SpreadNAR = | Fire = 100% | M Fire = 70% | FireNAR = | Ice = 100% | M Ice = 70% | IceNAR = | Electric = 100% | M Electric = 70% | ElectricNAR = | Force = 100% | M Force = 70% | ForceNAR = | Expel = 0% | ExpelNAR = Null 100% | M ExpelNAR = Repel 100% | Death = 0% | DeathNAR = Null 100% | M DeathNAR = Repel 100% | Magic = 100% | M Magic = 0% | MagicNAR = | M MagicNAR = Null 100% | Nerve = 25% | M Nerve = 0% | NerveNAR = | M NerveNAR = Null 100% | Mind = 25% | M Mind = 0% | MindNAR = | M MindNAR = Null 100% | Almighty = 100% | AlmightyNAR = | Recovery = 100% | RecoveryNAR = | Support = 100% | SupportNAR = | Kotodama = 100% | KotodamaNAR = | Special = 100% | SpecialNAR = | Suicide = 100% | SuicideNAR = | Demon Skill 1 = Magic Shot | Demon Level 1 = Default | Demon Skill 2 = Gale | Demon Level 2 = Default | Demon Skill 3 = Anti-Demon Stance | Demon Level 3 = Default | Demon Skill 4 = Counter | Demon Level 4 = Default | Demon Skill 5 = Mudo | Demon Level 5 = Default | Demon Skill 6 = Hama | Demon Level 6 = Default | Demon Skill 7 = | Demon Level 7 = Default | Demon Skill 8 = | Demon Level 8 = Default | Demon Skill 9 = Media | Demon Level 9 = 37 | Demon Skill 10= Chain Shot | Demon Level 10= 41 | Demon Skill 11= Tarukaja | Demon Level 11= 46 | Demon Skill 12= Meditation | Demon Level 12= 50 | Demon Skill 13= Mediarama | Demon Level 13= 55 | Demon Skill 14= Recarm | Demon Level 14= 60 | Demon Skill 15= Hamaon | Demon Level 15= 65 | Demon Skill 16= Mudoon | Demon Level 16= 67 | Demon Skill 17= Makarakarn | Demon Level 17= 70 | Demon Skill 18= Matarukaja | Demon Level 18= 75 | Demon Skill 19= Megido | Demon Level 19= 80 | Demon Skill 20= Samarecarm | Demon Level 20= 84 | Demon Skill 21= Null Ice | Demon Level 21= 87 | Demon Skill 22= Null Elec | Demon Level 22= 87 | Demon Skill 23= Manmaon | Demon Level 23= 90 | Demon Skill 24= Mamudoon | Demon Level 24= 90 | Breath = Y | Wings = N | Slam = Y | Teeth = Y | Claw = N | Needle = Y | Weapon = N | Eyes = Y | Maiden = N | feat1 =

Hand of Fate
+30% Expel
+30% Death

| feat2 =

Intelligence +10, Cooldown -30%, MP Cost +50%

| feat3 =

Valley of the Kings
Considered a god in Ancient Egypt.

When Demons of the Godly Beast group, Sphinx is in the same party: Magic +10

| feat4 =

Eternal Prayer
A demon who heals your pain.
Curative skills are 100% more effective.

| mfeat1 =

Hand of Fate
+30% Expel
+30% Death

| mfeat2 =

Intelligent (Mitama)
Intelligence +15, Cooldown -30%

| mfeat3 =

Valley of the Kings
Considered a god in Ancient Egypt.

When Demons of the Godly Beast group, Sphinx is in the same party: Magic +10

| mfeat4 =

Eternal Prayer
A demon who heals your pain.
Curative skills are 100% more effective.

| Y/N = No | Plugin = N/A | Range = | Rate = | Gem = Pearl | Part = Head | Title = - | Difficulty = 4 | SSLevel = 55 | TLevel = 30 | Tarot = 5% Null Expel 5% Null Death | Soul Stone = SPD +5 VIT -10
Rapid damage +5% If Player is NEUTRAL, Rapid damage +5% | Vis1 = x | Vis2 = x | Vis3 = x }}

Godly Beast
Demons Makami • Kaichi • Nandi • Narasimha • Sphinx • Xuan Wu • Anubis • Barong
Variations Inexperienced Makami • Deformed Makami
Limited Inexperienced Kaichi • Deformed Kaichi • Inexperienced Xuan Wu
Enemy God-carrying Cowgod Nandi • God-carrying Cowgod Nandi (DS)‎ • Lion-masked God Nrisinha • Lion Masked Incarnation of God Narasimha • Mythical Beast of Black Mist Xuan Wu • Frenzied Holy Beast Xuan Wu • Mad Holy Beast Xuan Wu • Beast That Endlessly Fights Barong • Malice gathered in the Abyss Sphinx • Malice gathered in the Abyss Anubis
Event None

Demonic Compendium
By Alignment Law HeraldEntityDeityVileAvianMegamiAmatsuRaptorDivineJakiFlightYomaJiraeMachine
Neutral ReaperHolyBeastFairyElementFiendGenmaWilderSnakeNightAvatar
Chaos FoulBruteHauntDragonFallenFemmeKunitsuLadyDrakeKishinOmegaTyrantGaean
By Family God DeityMegamiEntity
Aerial HeraldDivineFallen
Icon VileAmatsuReaperKunitsuLadyKishinOmega
Demon JakiJiraeBruteFemme
Dragon SnakeDragonDrake
Nether YomaFairyGenmaNightTyrant
Bird AvianRaptorFlight
Beast HolyBeastWilderAvatar
Scourge Haunt
Pagan Foul
Prime Element
Human FiendGaean
Device Machine
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