Quest: Stray Jack Frost

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Quest NPC

Requirement -
Alignment -
NPC Jack Frost
Location Home III
Repeatable Yes


  1. Talk to Jack Frost in Home III and choose second option
  2. Accept Quest for Stray Jack Frost
  3. Bring a King Frost Card to Jack Frost and exchange it for the SHPG Authorization Card EV-JF (Third option).
  4. Go to Service entrance and use the SHPG Authorization Card EV-JF.
  5. Defeat the Protect Wall demons until a Stray Jack Frost appears.
  6. Capture Stray Jack Frost and summon to move on to the last floor.
  7. Defeat enemies and leave STEVEN and return to Jack Frost.
  8. Summon the Stray Jack Frost and talk to the Jack Frost (second option).


  • 165000 Experience points
  • Random King Frost Pendant


  • In the Boss Floor of STEVEN run there is a chance to get the Black Frost Plug-in item from the treasure box.
  • After completion King Frost Cards or Jack Ripper Cards can be turned into the client for a chance at SHPG Authorization Card A, B, C, D, as well as SHPG Authentication Card EV-GL. Failing to get any of those you will be given a Jack Frost Card as compensation.
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