Quest: Miracle in the Snow.
From Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE Wiki
- This is a special event specially made for December 2010.
- Talk to Nicholas in Shinjuku Babel and accept his quest.
- Run to the TMG Building and speak with DB Asada.
- When you've reached the Helipad, King Frost will be present, going *nuts*.
- Nicholas will be hiding in the back, and will inform you to return to Shinjuku Babel.
- When returning to Shinjuku Babel, Nicholas will give you a task to gather 5 Jack Frost Crystals to craft an item to defeat King Frost.
- After you have turned in all 5 Crystals, Nicholas gives you a Joulupukki (A giant syringe) to help penetrate through King Frost's impenetrable defense.
- Return to the TMG Building to face King Frost for a showdown.
- After King Frost has been defeated, report back to Nicholas in Shinjuku Babel.
- Note: You can only hand in one Jack Frost's Crystal every hour.
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