Demon Quests

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Demon Quests are little daily requests you can choose to accept or reject. You can do up to 3 of these quests every day and only demons who are at 'Good Friends' or higher will give these quests. Once you have accepted (or given up) on 3 quests you will not be able to do anymore quests until the next day (or at 1AM PST / 8AM GMT time)<br>

Party members cannot help you with your quest but you can be in a party with other players when you're working on the quests you accept. Pay attention to the details of the quest and make sure not to log out if you have not yet accepted or rejected a quest as it will count as 'rejection'<br>

You can always reject a quest before accepting it and it will not change your 'success in a row', especially if you are unsure as to if you'll be able to accomplish the goal.

Once you have viewed a quest description, you must accept (and finish/abandon) or reject the quest before you can view any others.

There is a time limit of 180 minutes for each quest. Logging out of the game suspends the quest timer. Upon completion of the quest objectives, you must report back to the demon to finish the quest and receive your rewards. If you do not report back to your demon before the time limit expires, the quest will fail even if you have completed all objectives.


Quest types

(NOTE: All quests must be done with your own skills (ie: synthesis and crafting), you cannot borrow the aid of another player.)

  • Demon Hunt - You will be asked to defeat an arbitrary (usually small) number of one or more specified demons. Some demons may be semi-rare spawns (such as "Accomplished" variants) or appear only in dungeons.
  • Demon Fusion - You are asked to create a specified demon via fusion.
  • Demon Contract - You are asked to make contracts with one or more types of demons. Some demons may be semi-rare spawns (such as "Accomplished" variants) or appear only in dungeons. You do not have to finalize the contract for it to count (just get the "egg" to appear), so having a full demon list will not prevent you from finishing these quests.
  • Tarot Fusion - You are asked to perform a Tarot Fusion with a particular demon crystal on an item of your own.
  • Demon Crystallization - You are asked to crystallize specified demon on your own.
  • Soul Stone Fusion - You are asked to perform a Soul Stone Fusion with a particular demon crystal on an item of your own.
  • Plasma Connect - You are asked to connect to a specified number (usually 10-30) of Plasma of a given color: Blue, Yellow, Red, or White. Taking the contents of the Plasma is not required.
  • Crafting - You are asked to use the Arms Maker/Swordsmith skill to create a specific kind of weapon.

Known Codes

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter A

<br> A-Team<br>Abyss<br>Abyssal<br>Accomplished<br> Ace<br>Admiral<br>Airwolf<br>All<br>Always<br> And<br>Angel<br>Angelic<br> Any<br>Apocalypse<br>As<br> Are<br> <br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter B


Between<br>Bitten<br>Blessing<br> Boss<br>Burst<br>By<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter C

Can<br> Cake<br> Catcher<br> Celestial<br> Chaotic<br> Checkers<br> Chili<br> Charmer<br> Cheese<br> Chocolate<br> Coffee<br> Come<br> Confused<br> Constantly<br> Cookie<br> Cowardly<br> Crusader<br> Crumpets<br> Curse<br> Cute<br>
<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter D

Damned<br> Dancer<br> Dark<br> Darkness<br> Daughter<br> Day<br> Deadly<br> Death<br> Delicious<br> Demolisher<br> Demonologist<br> Despoiler<br> Despotic<br> Destroyer<br> Destruction<br> Devious<br> Did<br> Disturbed<br> Divine<br> Doomed<br> Dr. Mario<br> Dusk<br>
<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code name-->

Beginning with the letter E


Elemental<br> Elder<br> Enhancer<br> Enchanting<br> End<br> Epic<br> Every<br> Evil<br> Evoker<br> Exalted<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter F


Fast<br> Fat Albert<br> Fierce<br> First<br> Flame<br> For<br> Force<br> Fried Rice<br> From<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter G


General<br> Ghostly<br> Goddess<br> Good<br> Goodness<br> Great<br> Guardian<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter H


Harbringer<br> Haunted<br> Haunting<br> Have<br> Hearted<br> Heavenly<br> Hell<br> Hellish<br> Helltouched<br> Her<br> Here<br> His<br> Holy<br> Holybeast<br> Hug<br> Human<br> Hunter<br> Hypnotic<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter I


In<br> Inspector Gadget<br> Is<br> Its<br> Insane<br> Immortal<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter J


Jenga<br> Judge<br> Judgment<br> Just<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter K


Ketchup<br> Killer<br> Knowing<br> Knowledge<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter L


Large<br> Le<br> Legend<br> Legendary<br> Lightning<br> Like<br> Loremaster<br> Love<br> Luna<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter M

MacGyver<br /> Mage<br> Make<br> Many<br> Matron<br> Merry<br> Melee<br> Miami Vice<br> Moon<br> Motherearth<br> Mountain<br> Mr.<br> Ms.<br> My<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter N



<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter O


On<br> One<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter P


Pink<br> Pizza<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter R


Rain<br> Ramen<br> Rapid<br> River<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter S

Sandwitch<br> Say<br> Scooby<br> See<br> Seeker<br> Sir<br> Sharp<br> Shushi<br> Slayer<br> Slightly<br> Small<br> Snacks<br> Sniper<br> So<br> Solar<br> Some<br> Somewhat<br> Sorcerer<br> Star<br> Starry<br> Starlight<br> Steak<br> Still<br> Striker<br> Sun<br> Support<br> Synthesizer<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter T

Taboo<br /> The<br> Their<br> These<br> Through<br> Thundercats<br> Tickle<br> Tic Tac Toe<br> Taco<br> To<br> Touched<br> Tree<br> Tsundere<br> Twilight<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter U


Undying<br> Unholy<br> Uno<br> Up<br> Use<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter V


Victory<br> Value<br> Victor<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter W

Waffles <br>

Walking<br> Watcher<br> Water<br> Wanderer<br> Want<br> Way<br> Were<br /> Where<br> Which<br> While<br> Whisper<br> Whisperer<br> With<br> World<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>

<!--Code Name-->

Beginning with the letter Y


Years<br> Younger<br> Your<br>

<br/><hr style="width:80%; margin:auto;"/>


Special Codes

Special codes are obtained after completing a number of quests from demons of the same group.

- Neutral Families -

Beast:<br> 1 - Bellowing for the Brave<br> 2 - The Beast<br> 3 - Holder of Hell's Fang <br>

Demigod:<br> 1 - Shows courage<br> 2 - Strength of 1000<br> 3 - Swordsman

Dragon King:<br> 1 - ???<br> 2 - ???<br> 3 - ???<br>

Element:<br> 1 - Divine Providence <br> 2 - Nature<br> 3 - ???<br>

Fairy:<br> 1 - One who sees Phantoms<br> 2 - King of Mischief<br> 3 - Moon Dancer <br>

Fiend:<br> 1 - Knows Punishment by Sin<br> 2 - Criminal <br> 3 - Human-like Being<br>

Godly Beast:<br> 1 - ???<br> 2 - ???<br> 3 - ???<br>

Holy Beast:<br> 1 - Pure Eyes <br> 2 - Irreducible Purity<br> 3 - Suvivor of the Disaster<br>

Nocturne:<br> 1 - Great Wyrm Tamer<br> 2 - Neon Butterfly<br> 3 - Nightmare Doll <br>

Reaper:<br> 1 - Reaper of souls<br> 2 - Gravedigger <br> 3 - Holds the Cursed Sickle<br>

Wilder:<br> 1 - Waiting to Roar<br> 2 - The Animal <br> 3 - ???<br>

- Law Families - <br>

Avian:<br> 1 - Carrier of Light<br> 2 - Phoenix Hatchling<br> 3 - ???<br>

Demon God:<br> 1 - Ruler of the Land<br> 2 - King of Kings<br> 3 - Lord of the World <br>

Divine:<br> 1 - Trumpeter of Heraldry <br> 2 - The Halo<br> 3 - Beautiful Evangelist <br>

Earth Spirit:<br> 1 - Sound of Healing<br> 2 - ???<br> 3 - ???<br>

Evil Demon:<br> 1 - Agent of Theocratic Fear<br> 2 - Bound to the Plague Wheel<br> 3 - ???<br>

Goddess:<br> 1 - Melodic Caroler<br> 2 - Fatal Beauty<br> 3 - ???<br>

Heavenly God:<br> 1 - Heaven's Spokesman<br> 2 - Quiet Heavens <br> 3 - ???<br>

Raptor:<br> 1 - Hell's Black Darkness <br> 2 - All-Devouring Raven<br> 3 - Bearer of Evil Omens<br>

Seraph:<br> 1 - Singing the Gospel <br> 2 - Convicted Magic Sword<br> 3 - World Purifier

Vile:<br> 1 - Weaver of Conspiracies <br> 2 - Haughty Recluse <br> 3 - Berserker of the Dawn <br>

Wild Bird:<br> 1 - Blowing in the wind<br> 2 - El Cazador<br> 3 - ???<br>

Yoma:<br> 1 - ???<br> 2 - ???<br> 3 - ???<br>

- Chaos Families -<br>

Brute:<br> 1 - ???<br> 2 - ???<br> 3 - ???<br>

Destroyer:<br> 1 - Seamless<br> 2 - ???<br> 3 - ???<br>

Dragon:<br> 1 - Thunder in the Dark<br> 2 - Seven Spheres<br> 3 - Earthquake Caster<br>

Earth Mother:<br> 1 - Embraces All<br> 2 - Big Mama<br> 3 - Great Mother <br>

Evil Dragon:<br> 1 - On the Road to the End<br> 2 - ???<br> 3 - ???<br>

Fallen Angel:<br> 1 - Smiling at Disaster<br> 2 - Eternal Rebel<br> 3 - Fighting Heaven<br>

Femme:<br> 1 - Hair Stained with Blood<br> 2 - ???<br> 3 - ???<br>

Foul:<br> 1 - Not the Guilty One<br> 2 - ???<br> 3 - ???<br>

Guardian:<br> 1 - ???<br> 2 - ???<br> 3 - ??? <br>

Haunt:<br> 1 - ???<br> 2 - ???<br> 3 - ???<br>

Nation Ruler:<br> 1 - Earth's Spokesman<br> 2 - Savaged Land<br> 3 - ???<br>

Tyrant:<br> 1 - Galaxy of Dawn<br> 2 - ???<br> 3 - ???<br>

(Unsorted Codes)<br> Avatar of the Universe<br> Bringer of Catastrophe<br> Inspector Gadget<br> Demon Buster<br> Divinely Enlightened<br> Earthquake Caster<br> Gorgeous Beast<br> Immovably Stubborn<br> Nature<br> Rebellion<br> Sixth Magical King<br> Trainee<br> Unbridled Love<br> Velociraptor<br>

Known Rewards

Agilao Stone<br> Agidyne Stone<br> Altered Magnetite<br> Beads of Speed<br> Binding Napalm<br> Broken IC Chip<br> Bufula Stone<br> Bufudyne Stone<br> Cup of Twilight<br> Decayed Scrap Iron (Bullet)<br> Decayed Scrap Iron (Blade)<br> Diamond<br> Experience Points<br> Eggshell of an Avian<br> Incense of Adventure<br> Incense of Experience<br> Incense of the Novice<br> Incense of Mastery<br> Incense of Memory (Small, Non-Trade)<br> Macca<br> Magnetite<br> Makanda Stone<br> Orb of Rapidity<br> Small Runestones<br> Statue of Enceladus<br> Zionga Stone<br> Ziodyne Stone<br> Zanma Stone<br> Zandyne Stone<br> <br>


  • When reaching 150 DFQs in a row, you get a special reward, which is a random soulstone. After that, you'll have to reach 650 DFQs in a row to get a new soulstone. For this, it is usually suggested to simply reset the counter to 0 and reach 150 DFQs again, to obtain a new random soulstone.//<br>
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