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A Production Expertise Skill for engraving, processing, and sewing. This expertise is used to create slots on pieces of clothing through the presently unimplemented cultivation process. Only the top and bottom pieces of clothing can be used in this process. See Clothing Modification Materials for what stats modification can improve.


Requirements to Unlock: Creation at Class 1-0, Medical Sciences at Class 2-0
Raising: You raise Craftsmanship by gaining rank in its component Expertise:

  • Gains expertise equal to 60% of your Creation level.
  • Gains expertise equal to 20% of your Medical Sciences level.
  • Gains expertise equal to 20% of your Sketching level.


vVE2Kj2.png Manus Up 1-0 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that will allow you to withdraw the effects of a Manus Item during cultivation.
INCemMw.png Slot Chance Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that increases the chance of having additional Modification Slot during cultivation.
vVE2Kj2.png Manus Up 2-0 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that will allow you to withdraw the effects of a Manus Item during cultivation.
INCemMw.png Slot Chance Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that increases the chance of having additional Modification Slot during cultivation.
vVE2Kj2.png Manus Up 3-0 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that will allow you to withdraw the effects of a Manus Item during cultivation.
INCemMw.png Slot Chance Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that increases the chance of having additional Modification Slot during cultivation.
vVE2Kj2.png Manus Up 4-0 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that will allow you to withdraw the effects of a Manus Item during cultivation.
INCemMw.png Slot Chance Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that increases the chance of having additional Modification Slot during cultivation.
vVE2Kj2.png Manus Up 5-0 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that will allow you to withdraw the effects of a Manus Item during cultivation.
INCemMw.png Slot Chance Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that increases the chance of having additional Modification Slot during cultivation.

Techniques: AttackSpinRushShotRapidGuardCounterDodgeCurative MagicDestruction MagicSupport MagicCurse MagicTalkThreatenTauntSummon
Knowledges: OccultismFusionDemonologyWeapon KnowledgeSurvival TechniquesPsychologyMedical SciencesCrushing TechniqueMineralogyBiologyBladesSketchingCreationCraftsGun KnowledgePursuitMagic ControlBless
Chain Expertise: Mastery of Three Forms of LifeSynthesisMagic FistMitama Demon Growth ScienceCurse of the WretchedEnhancementSupport BulletMagic BulletSharpshooterRampageRegal PresenceConditions of Melee CombatConditions of Ranged CombatConditions of Magic CombatSwordsmithArms MakerCraftsmanship
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